
Stone County Rehabitilation and detention center info released

Stone County Rehabilitation and Detention Center 2020


WE LISTENED: New Proposal designed to be clean & secure, but not comfortable.

Half the cost to build, One-third payoff time, Half the cost to run

WHY do we need a new jail?  In 2014, Arkansas adopted new standards for jails which our current facility fails. Three contractors reported our existing facility "not feasible" to bring within requirements.  Stone County submitted an improvement plan to address staffing and operations, but our facility still fails standards.  Since the State Constitution requires counties to have a jail, our old jail will remain open, but the long-term license to house inmates beyond 24 hours will be revoked.  Stone County will have to pay other counties to house our inmates including medical and transportation cost.  Madison County is doing this now--budgeting $580,000 of local funds to pay other counties.

WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE NOW?  Voters turned down the previous proposal due to cost, size, term, out-of-state contractor, and the bond wording.

Old Proposal:                                     

$11,500,000 bond

30-year bond term

½ cent tax for bond

½ cent permanent tax

100 bed facility

Expandable to 120 beds

Old Jail used for admin/storage

Space to house other inmates


New Proposal:

$5,995,000 bond

10-year bond with est. payoff less than 8

½ cent tax to pay off bond (will end)

¼ cent operations & maintenance--jail only

60 bed with improved female housing

Flexible space for future requirements

Old Jail Refurbished for Rehab Programs

Space for programs to aide in reducing recidivism among our citizens

WE LISTENED, and we ask you to support fixing our Stone County jail. PLEASE vote: "YES" for construction bond and operations tax.

WE LISTENED, and we ask you to support fixing our Stone County jail. Please vote: "YES" for construction bond and operations tax.

  • - The previous proposal used an out-of-state Contractor.
  • - This proposal went statewide and to all bordering states for competitive selection.
  • - Local Construction Manager (Noacon) will use available local labor and materials whenever possible.
  • - HMN Architects (justice facility experts) will engineer, design and ensure compliance.
  • - Preliminary design meets Arkansas Corrections criteria stds.
  • - Designed for safety, security, simplicity and space for rehab programs with efficient staffing to lower long-term costs

Precast insulated concrete panels expedite the building process & provide a sturdy, low cost, bare-bones 50-year facility with future expansion flexibility

Half the cost to build, One-third payoff time, Half the cost to run


click on media kit to download a fyler with some drawings and diagrams